Robust industrial biocatalysts

with peroxygenase phenol-oxidase or furfuryl-oxidase activities from bacterial and fungal hosts


Industrial biotechnology is key to maintaining Europe's leading position in the global market for organic products and facilitating the transition towards a green and circular economy. ROBUSTOO contributes to this challenge by demonstrating the applicability of three oxidative enzymes – non-specific peroxygenase (UPO), laccase and hydroxymethylfurfural oxidase (HMFO) – to provide new and greener production of chemicals and materials of biological origin.

How does it work?
To exploit the full industrial potential, the ROBUSTOO European project undertakes the large-scale production of recombinant enzymes and develops new robust variants adapted to difficult operating conditions. The new enzymes and biotransformations will represent revolutionary biotechnological solutions for:

Conversion of laccase-modified industrial lignins into 100% biobased resins such as wood panel adhesives and 3D printing additives, increasing the commercial value of existing lignin products

Production of intermediate and fine chemical products difficult to obtain by chemical synthesis through regio/stereo-selective oxygenations of lipophilic substrates with UPO

Synthesis of the building block 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid from 5-hydroxymethylfurfural using HMFO, as a sustainable alternative to chemical catalytic processes

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Funded by the European Union
Grant Agreement No 101135119